Sunday, September 18, 2005

Especially for Rickards

Mes Amis

I've fixed some of the link problems I was having. There you go, Mr Rickards, I've persuaded the blog to link to you. Now you really do have to think of the children if you're linking over to the Rickards from here (Or rather, the Richards, as he was referred to in the B'Con leaflets). Check out some new links to the side of the page. But I bet most of you already know these individuals. And if you don't I take no responsibility for the talk of weasels on any site linked to through my blog.

Au revoir



Bugtastic said...

I thought I'd comment about three weeks too late.
Russ, you always panic about things you've said and usually you haven't said anything much at all!
(Except for the cold sore comment!!) Seriously though, you aren't generally an offensive guy and you have the luxury of being the kind of person who, if you do say something wrong, folk assume you didn't mean it. Unlike me...

Mystery Dawg said...

Hey, why just Rickards? Yeah, he's a nice guy and such, but what about me? Whose your buddy in Los Angeles ? LOL-just kidding

John Rickards said...

That's more like it.

The twin badgers you demanded in payment are in the post. Quite what you want them to wear tutus for, I can only imagine.


Jen Jordan said...

JR still has that turd-like appendage hanging from his, um... s.