Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"... his toe nudged something quite unexpected..."

Mes Amis

Check out the new issue of the wondrous Crime Spree magazine and you'll find ol' Doug Shepherd (fiction editor at CSS) has a story printed within its pages. Yes, Doug's story of inter-office romance gone tits up (Look, if you're at all familiar with his sensibilities, you just know there's a violent death in there somewhere) was adopted by the Jordan Clan for inclusion in the one of the best print zines going. Pick this up, not just for THE MORNING AFTER but also for the usual selection of wondrous crime related goodies.

In the meantime, back on planet Russel I have discovered that it does no good to have two characters swinging their legs over a dyke (as in a wee stone wall) unless you want your agent howling with laughter at unintentional double entendres.

Au revoir



Anonymous said...

Knowing your agent, I'm not at all surprised.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Thanks for pointing that out Russel. I've got the latest issue on my desk, only partly digested though.

A good sick story is about what I need at the moment.

And I'm not touching the other remark.