You scored as Disappear. Your death will be by disappearing, probably a camping trip gone wrong or an evening hike you never returned from. Always remeber that one guy who was hiking alone and got in a rock slide. He could have died, but he cut his own hand off to save himself. Don't end up like him (or worse, dead).
How Will You Die?? created with |
With thanks to Sandra for that one...
Au revoir
Luckier than some, though. Let's face it, you'll have a long happy life and then just slip away. Better than getting lost somewhere (of course maybe I didn't die; maybe I just started a new life somewhere without telling anyone, living on the untold riches I have stuffed in the darker recesses of my fridge).
Oh, Russ-poo, youa re a cruel man. You get me wanting to know how I'm going to die then deny the ability to find this out by putting up shoddy links.
Oh, the humanity!!!!
Ummmm.. again Russel's ability to fuck up HTML strikes again... Sandra's link works... go to her site...
I'm not cruel. Just stupid!
That may be one of the best catch phrases of all time.
You may be stupid but you're brilliant.
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