Thursday, October 06, 2005

By Way of Balance

Mes Amis

Those of you who know me know that I will defend Dundee's reputation frequently. With reference to that Dumpdee site, its a bit of fun and an exagerrated look at some of the worst apsects of the city. And its nothing compared to what one or two people have said to me about the city (you know who you are...).

In contrast here's the official Dundee gov site which captures the city nicely, I think.

Au revoir



Stuart MacBride said...

"I will defend Dundee's reputation frequently..."

And then there's the 'Mr Russel on the last night at Harrogate with a few beers in him' story that only a select few know.

And if you want to keep it that way: leave £15.00 in unused fivers behind the toll booth on the bridge into Fife...

Russel said...

There are many "Mr Russel with a few beers in him stories" but I am sure at Harrogate I was the soul of discretion...

Although I have many evil stories about Dundee and some of its less than savoury denizens... but all I'm saying is its not as bad as its reputation may suggest...

And I can probably counter with the "Mr Stuart with more than a few beers in him on every night of Harrogate" stories...

Check, and I believe, mate.

And what select few? If the Rickards knows then I need not pay out... I'm sure he has told everyone who will listen these terrible tales (after all he did mention about the goat and the mother superior...)...

Stuart MacBride said...

"he did mention about the goat and the mother superior..."

Only because he was the one in the nun's outfit. And I am the noble paragon of discretion where all things involving beer are concerned. And I have the lemon-scented Dictaphone recordings to prove it!

You 'coke-a-cola' chaps on the other hand...

Russel said...

I did think it was funny the mother superior had a teeny-tiny beard and kept talking about weasels.

And what implications are you making about us sober coca-cola (or was that a deliberate mis-spelling to make me sound like Kate Moss?) types?

Mmmmm... lemon scented dictaphones...

Stuart MacBride said...

Coke, or Coca.. anyone who's met you will know if it was a typo, or a dig.
