Wednesday, July 27, 2005

More From Harrogate

Mes Amis

As promised, a full report from Harrogate is online at CSS. From my fears, to everyone else's fears at meeting me, it includes the lot. This year's festival was great fun, as you could see from my little report below, and next year's should be better.

Next on Russel's whirwind tour of the conventions is Bouchercon. Will Russel survive on a panel? Will he pass out on his way to the table? Will Little Russ get an airing? Will he be locked up by animal control for seeming "feral"?

God only knows. But one things for sure, I'm still looking to find out where the betting pool is on the Banks/Rendell cage match...

Au revoir



Ray Banks said...

That cage match might involve Walters if she keeps swearing, trying to steal my motherfucking thunder. I'll take 'em both on, I don't care. I've been on the Beefcake and throwing out some kick-arse Joe Lansdale moves. They're paste, I tells ya. PASTE!

Russel said...

Let's just go the whole hog and form a writers wrestling federation. Forget Hulk Hogan, here's Ray Banks. Rowdy Roddy Piper (now *that's* an outdated reference)? Go to hell, here's Al Guthrie. The Undertaker? Well, Ruth Rendell will bury her opponents six feet under and she's got a box all ready for Banks...

I reckon it might do a good job of raising writer's profiles and the merchandising spin offs alone could make a fortune...

Then again...