Mes Amis
This is the result of the mean and moody photo shoot. There were many images but this will likely be my official image. I sent it to my agent the other week. Feel free to laugh, but come on, the lovely photographer (Ms Kerry Shearer) has managed to give me a slightly noir feel. And I know I ain't smiling, but it was pissing down with rain. A man can only take so much downpour - even in Dundee!
Anyway, mes amis, that's all for now.
Au revoir
There's that Dundee dour we've been lookin' for. And you manage to look older than me. Which is quite an achievement. Nice one, Squeaky.
By the way, you're not really carrying two cut-throat razors in the lining of the jacket, are you?
Although I may look older than you, Ray, I still look young for a Dundonian. That grizzled, life-fucked-me-over look is de-rigeur among the forty-a-day five years olds who walk the mean streets here.
Nah, not two cut throat razors. Just the one. I wasn't on a night out, just popping to the shops...
Russel - great moody shot. You are a mad spanner. You also look a tiny, tiny bit like Ricky Gervais. Maybe it'sthe light.
Damn you Mr Williams - that's what made me shave off the beard last time! No, shall not give in and shall keep beard till it grows to Rasputin promotions... then we'll see who looks like Gervais...
Anyway, I'm off to dip my beard in fertilizer so it gets bigger for Harrogate (and then moreso for Boucheron).
Although Ricky Gervais does hardboiled... there's a thought...
Hardboiled? Can't see it. I've no doubt Gervais could do a great noir performance, but not hardboiled. (Unless he was the villain.)
Good luck with the beard. Try not to inhale that fertilizer.
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