Thursday, July 27, 2006

In case you're wondering...

Mes Amis

Crime Scene Scotland is not dead.

We'll be back soon with a new issue with some excellent fiction and maybe, if Russel gets off his arse, some interviews too. In the meantime check out some reviews at the CSS review blog and accept my humble apologies.

But we'll be back before the summer is out.

On that you can be certain.

Au revoir



Jen Jordan said...

Oh, hell. You've begun to refer to yourself in the third person just as affirmed nut job JR has. This means trouble for an already troubled world.

Russel said...

Russel assures you that he is perfectly allright. Russel is as sane as he has ever been.

JR on the other hand...

Mystery Dawg said...

Russel, is that you, man? Where you been? Some dude, has, like been impersonating you or something.

Anonymous said...

No one has been impersonating Russel... Everything is normal... He has not been replaced by a docile clone... do not panic... return to watching Big Brother and Fox News...

There are no cameras in your home.

Jen Jordan said...

I don't like "the man."

Dave White said...

Crime Scene Scotland isn't dead... but you're not either right? time for a new posty.