Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I told you I was a genius...

Mes Amis

Apologies for the ego-fuelled header, but I just got back my MLitt dissertation and the final marks today. I stormed this bastard right through. After weeks of worrying whether or not I passed I finally discovered that not only did I pass but I stormed it pretty well, too. Kinda annoys me because of the whole no-funding nonsense, but it feels good all the same.


Looking at it now, though, I can see why I'm happier doing crime writing. I mean, when you end up titling your opus: CAN AGENT CAUSATION BE EXPLAINED IN TERMS OF MENTAL EMERGENCE?: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RESPONSIBLE AGENT IN A DETERMINISTIC WORLD, you can see why the snappier, dynamic world of crime fiction might be more appealing in the end. Even Wittgenstein said as much!

Au revoir



Mystery Dawg said...

Russell...Congrats! I will toast your success tonight as I start my 50,000+ novel for NaNoWriMo. I think this is the Hemingway model.....

Mikey P said...


Right, time to find some booze to toast your success...
Will Irn-Bru be a sufficient toast? There's alcohol in my house...

Charlie Williams said...

Congratulations, oh Master.

Anonymous said...

I have no degree (except from the University of Life, snigger-snigger, Christ-I-am-so-ill-educated...) and yet I call to mind something my wife said: "You're never going to look back on your life and say, wow, wish I'd never had all that education!"

Hearty congrats, Rusty. Your philosophising an' that will only help your life. And your drinking, if you believe the Monty Python song...